Maplestory 2 the chaos rising patch
- By Arcane
So earlier this week the latest maplestory 2 patch hit the servers! It is called Chaos Rising and it brings new chaos dungeons, a new thanksgiving event, together with some pretty good quality of life improvements to the game.
The gigantic turkey looks awesome and i wouldnt wanna meet it late at night or even day all alone. What do you think does it look like something you would wanna meet yourself?
Read about the turkey event here: http://maplestory2.nexon.net/en/news/article/37899/attack-of-the-giant-turkey-events
Quality of Life improvements where all good things to have! But the best one is the one wich makes you able to shrink your house size down, and i can see how this can lead to an easier way to be able to remodel your own house several times!
But this patch also added the BETA feature of reseting your dungeons ONCE every week! This is a beta feature so they will evaluate how it performed at a later date. Still a pretty awesome feature that i can see alot of players that run dungeons will have good use for.
patch note: http://maplestory2.nexon.net/en/news/article/38111/chaos-rising-update