Main photo Maggie's Cancer Care Centres

Maggie's Cancer Care Centres

  • By Admin

These centres offer tremendous support and care for cancer sufferers and their families and friends.  There are now many of these wonderful Centres throughout the UK, with a new one just recently opened at Barts Hospital.

This is the Newsletter from the West London one (attached to Charing Cross Hospital) - where I attended regularly following my second diagnosis/treatment.  Kudos to all the wonderful staff, volunteers and professionals involved in running these very special places.

As we enter our tenth year here at the West London Centre, with our gardens in full bloom and our orange walls glowing in the sun (most of the time!), we are looking forward to welcoming our new Centre Head Sinead Cope, who comes to us in July from Charing Cross Hospital.

At an exciting time for the Centre, with new chapters beginning and new faces in the team, we will of course be keeping our regular programme of support.

During the summer we will also be holding some informal evening events plus a very special Maggie’s to Maggie’s walk planned from Maggie's West London to the new Maggie's Barts. Keep up with all our events on Facebook or visit our website.

We hope you enjoy reading about what’s coming up and what has been going on, including a hugely fond farewell to Centre Head, Bernie, at our party on Friday 28 April.

Best wishes,
The Maggie's West London team

Latest news from Maggie's West London

Support Group finishes filmiing

Our Advanced Cancer Support Group was asked if they would like to participate in the filming of a documentary looking at the impact of cancer, over a period of twelve weeks.

More information

Writing workshop with Janet Ellis

We are delighted that well-known author, actress and presenter Janet Ellis MBE will be holding a creative writing workshop on the morning of Wednesday 21 June.

Attend the workshop

Maggie's West London Party

In celebration of entering our tenth year, and also as a fond farewell to Bernie, we held a good old-fashioned birthday party last month, open to all our Centre visitors and friends.

About the day

Maggie's Culture Crawl London

Join us for a behind-the-scenes experience of some of London’s most iconic landmarks, including The Royal Academy of Arts, to raise money to help us help everyone with cancer.

Register now

Other news from Maggie's

New Centre openings

We were delighted to officially open Maggie's Forth Valley in March. The Centre, built in the grounds of Forth Valley Royal Hospital, will offer much needed cancer support in the area.

Read about the opening

Supporting children at Maggie's

Cancer can change the lives of the whole family and children can find it difficult to cope. Kate Martin, Centre Head at Maggie's Nottingham, writes about how Maggie's can help.

Supporting children at Maggie's

A brilliant Kitchen Table Day

On Friday 5 May hundreds of supporters gathered their family, friends and colleagues around their kitchen tables to raise money for Maggie's. 

Read about what happened

Our garden at the Chelsea Flower Show

We're delighted that Linklaters is sponsoring a garden for Maggie's at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show designed by award-winning designer, Darren Hawkes.

Read more about the garden

Maggie’s Centres provide free practical, emotional and social support for people with cancer and their families and friends. For more information visit
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