Maplestory the black! The war against the black mage is finally here!
- By Arcane
Korea maplestory has been rolling out updates with their new summer update called the black!
Empress cygnus has finally decided to bring war against the black mage and this patch the black will be the prelude to that war!
So yes we all remember the winter update for korea maplestory (wich is the current summer update for global maplestory) wich gave us ark with alot of changes to the game!
Now this summer maplestory korea brings out the big guns?! A revamped Hilla, a new desire system and a huge and when i say huge i mean huge area called Tennebris that looks like this:
(Thanks orangemushroom for the image).
So what does the black update bring well from what we have seen and heard it actually is bringing the black mage out into the light finally!!
The question i do ask myself what is gonna happend after he is brought out? Will his desire to create a new world become reality or will he fall to the power of the maplers that is going up to fight him? We will find out when he has been defeated or wiped out all the maplers fighting him!
What i noticed is that with the Ark patch they brought out some intressting angles that will entwine into the maplestory world even after the black mage has been defeated, and that is the grandis side of stories. If you have read/looked into Ark and Illium questline/lore there is a big bad guy at their side aswell named "Darmoor" and what part will he play in the continuation of the game we called Maplestory?!
Ops im getting abit offtracked with speculation, but there is so much to say about maplestory Black patch. as stated they are bringing out the bigguns as Hilla, skill revamps, system additions (desire system), a new alliance support coin shop, new 5th job skills and so much more!
If you wanna read more about the black update i will leave you links to orangemushrooms blog entries for all the "maplestory the black update"!
First look: https://orangemushroom.net/2018/05/25/maplestory-2018-summer-showcase-the-black/
First patch: https://orangemushroom.net/2018/06/21/kms-ver-1-2-297-maplestory-black-mage-gathering-of-heroes/
Second patch: https://orangemushroom.net/2018/07/04/kms-ver-1-2-300-maplestory-black-mage-prelude-of-war/
Third Patch: https://orangemushroom.net/2018/07/18/kms-ver-1-2-302-maplestory-black-mage-labyrinth/
I hope you enjoyed this article!