Main photo Pravda Press #001

Pravda Press #001

  • By AkkenNovikov

Issued once per month | Since June 2017 | Communist Edition | Published on June 27, 2017

UCR Section


The first issue of Pravda Press

Union of Communist Republics

After alot of hard thinking, TheRedSoviet has come up with the idea of hosting the UCR's own newspaper.He is happy to announce that this is the first issue published in the UCR's first newspaper.The newspaper which is called "Pravda Press" has one objective, to bring informative news to inform the alliance of everything going on inside the UCR as well as everything going on in the farthest corner of Planet Bob.The owner of the newspaper has made the following comment:

"Real reporting for an excellent audience."

It is in that time of the year 2017 that the Pravda Press is launched. In keeping with other traditions and principles, no images will be published and all quotes which are taken out of context will have all of their authors credited. With that said, I hope enjoy you will enjoy the newspaper as a reader and a member of the UCR.

The Editor of Pravda Press, TheRedSoviet


Reading Room


76 years since Nazi Germany Invaded the USSR

TheRedSoviet, Union of Communist Republics

A few days ago, June 22nd marked the 76th anniversary of Nazi germany's invasion of the USSR.This marked the beginning of the largest front in history which would last almost 4 years.To commemorate this moment, here is a quote extracted from the full article which can be found below.

"Under the codename Operation "Barbarossa," Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, in the largest German military operation of World War II. 
The destruction of the Soviet Union by military force, the permanent elimination of the perceived Communist threat to Germany, and the seizure of prime land within Soviet borders for long-term German settlement had been core policy of the Nazi movement since the 1920s. Adolf Hitler had always regarded the German-Soviet nonaggression pact, signed on August 23, 1939, as a temporary tactical maneuver. In July 1940, just weeks after the German conquest of France and the Low Countries, Hitler decided to attack the Soviet Union within the following year. On December 18, 1940, he signed Directive 21 (code-named Operation "Barbarossa"), the first operational order for the invasion of the Soviet Union. 
From the beginning of operational planning, German military and police authorities intended to wage a war of annihilation against the Communist state as well as the Jews of the Soviet Union, whom they characterized as forming the "racial basis" for the Soviet state. During the winter and spring months of 1941, officials of the Army High Command(Oberkommando des Heeres-OKH) and the Reich Security Main Office (Reichssicherheitshauptamt-RSHA) negotiated arrangements for the deployment of Einsatzgruppen behind the front lines to physically annihilate Jews, Communists, and other persons deemed to be dangerous to establishment of long-term German rule on Soviet territory. Often known as mobile killing units, Einsatzgruppen were special units of the Security Police and the Security Service (Sicherheitsdienst-SD) 
With 134 divisions at full fighting strength and 73 more divisions for deployment behind the front, German forces invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, less than two years after the German-Soviet Pact was signed. Three army groups—including more than three million German soldiers, supported by 650,000 troops from Germany's allies (Finland and Romania), and later augmented by units from Italy, Croatia, Slovakia and Hungary—attacked the Soviet Union across a broad front. This front stretched from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south".

Quoted by TheRedSoviet, Commissar of Internal Affairs of the UCR

World Section


TBC on the incident on whiteness

Keres, The Bear Cavalry

In the news regarding Planet Bob, Keres from TBC has commented on  an issue which has arosen from the LPC bloc.Apparently, TBC has taken some military actions on which Galerion has given a comment.

"LPC is a brown political bloc not a military bloc representing M level treaties."

Quoted by TheRedSoviet, Commissar of Internal Affairs of the UCR

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