Main photo MyBB plugin is now available

MyBB plugin is now available

  • By Cookie

Release of MyBB plugin

Dear members,

Following the previous releases of the Plugin for Forumotion forums and XenForo forums, we are glad to announce that another forum software joins our family: it was the time for MyBB forums for a plugin development.

We hope that all the administrators and members of a MyBB forum will be happy to be finally included in our project.

 [Tutorial] MyBB plugin installation

But, what exactly the MyBB plugin is?

As for all our external forum boards plugins, the MyBB plugin allows you to to create multilingual topics and posts in your forum: this means that for the posts where you will use the dedicated BBcode* [alias], your members will have the opportunity to read the message in their own languages.
*You first need to create an alias from your Translations Cloud with the default content and then submitting the different translations to make it available for the languages you desire.

How will my forum change?

Nothing that is too bad! Afterall, you can customize everything according to your forum theme.

  • A new BBcode button will appear in your text editor
  • Your MyBB forum posts will be added of a little icon to make your members understand that it is a multilingual topic.
  • Futhermore, another option in your profile edition page will allow you to set your language.

Note that if an alias is not available, you will see a little "tag" with the name of the alias

How to create and install this plugin?

Simply go to Client Area > Modules > Forum plugins > Plugin for MyBB forum and click on Create one.
You will be asked for some basic information and it is created!

After that, just a few more steps to integrate the script in your forum. Don't worry, everything is in Our dedicated tutorial

Do you find this plugin useful? Do you think we should focus on another forum board?
Let us know with your feedbacks in the comments below!

Have fun!


Community manager @

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